• AKA:
Ripley and Company [Second] (Pittsburgh-PA, Company Operated: 1875-1891), Introduced: Uncertain Date of Introduction
• NOTE: Roger Haworth 2020: This may be AP-HR4 (author's identifying scheme) in Felt/Stoers Vol. 3 p. 327. The distinctive socket seems to match, as does the rest of the holder. Listed as unknown maker with speculation that it may tie to a Duncan & Son's candlestick which may have a Ripley connection also.
NOTE: Sid Lethbridge 2020: The c1891 Ripley & Co. catalogue that was utilized by US Glass in the 1892 composite catalogues includes a Crucifix candlestick. The date of introduction is uncertain.
• Motifs: (Diamonds), (People/Body Parts), (Wood/Wood Grain)