CAMBRIDGE GLASS CO. No. 307 (OMN) by Cambridge Glass Company (Cambridge-OH, Company Operated: 1902-1958), c1906 Introduced
• AKA:
Curly (McCain)
NOTE: Sid Lethbridge - Name by McCain who apparently speculated that it was Cambridge but no confirmation of that to date.
NOTE: Sid Lethbridge 2023 - The No. 307 pieces appear in the 1906 catalogue which was recently posted to one of the Cambridge archival sites. It is not in the 1903 catalogue and not in later catalogues

Shape: Pattern Detail
Contributor: Bob Burford - this drawing was used in the McCain book

Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Bob Burford

Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Bob Burford

Shape: Stemware
Contributor: Susan Fox