Shape: Research Update
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge
Shape: Assortments
Contributor: Theresa Jackson - Big Chubby handled mustard and Buckeye 960 shaker
Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge - pages from R P Wallace & Co. of Pittsburgh, PA. a glass dealer. Appears the date is 1887. Wallce changed numbers to fit their catalog.
Shape: Shakers (salt, pepper, sugar)
Contributor: Janice Casper - shown with matching Big Chubby mustard
Shape: Shakers (salt, pepper, sugar)
Contributor: Lanae Kilcoyne
Shape: Shakers (salt, pepper, sugar)
Contributor: Lanae Kilcoyne
Shape: Shakers (salt, pepper, sugar)
Contributor: Lanae Kilcoyne
Shape: Research Update
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge