BELLFLOWER COARSE RIBS (AKA) by Unknown Maker (Unknown Location, Operated: Unknown), Unknown Date of Introduction
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Shape: Research Update
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge

Shape: Stemware
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge - wine - 4.16H, 2D

Shape: Stemware
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge - wine - 4.16H, 2D

Shape: Stemware
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge - goblets Barrel shaped 5.75H, 3.3-16D Straight sided 6.18H, 3.5D

Shape: Stemware
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge - goblets Barrel shaped 5.75H, 3.3-16D Straight sided 6.18H, 3.5D