UNITED STATES GLASS CO. No. 15159 (OMN) by United States Glass Company (Pittsburgh-PA, Company Operated: 1891-1962) , c1915 Introduced
• AKA: UNITED STATES GLASS CO. 15108 (Variation)
NOTE: Sid Lethbridge: Recent research has revealed that US Glass modified the No. 15108 Perfection aka Star and Crescent moulds to remove the thumbprints in the crescents to create a new line No. 15,159 which was introduced c1915. It appears that US Glass was reworking the moulds of earlier lines and issuing them as new patterns in this time frame.
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Shape: Sugars
Contributor: Ronnie Lukens

Shape: Creamers
Contributor: Ronnie Lukens

Shape: Tumblers
Contributor: Winfred Huff

Shape: Sugars
Contributor: Ronnie Lukens

Shape: Sugars
Contributor: Ronnie Lukens

Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge