CRYSTAL GLASS CO. OHIO UNNAMED PATTERN No. 2 (AKA) by Crystal Glass Company (Bridgeport-OH, Company Operated: 1888-1907), c1904 introduced
• AKA: ZZ 702
NOTE: Sid Lethbridge 2024 - Based on its appearance in a wholesale assortment shipped directly from the factory. Nimble Nickel assortment from a c1904 catalogue for The Independent Potteries & Manufacturers Association. (Same stem as Coral Gables)
NOTE: Had been listed as ZZ UNIDENTIFIED No. 702
image 1 of 2

Shape: Comport/Compotes
Contributor: Andy Eckroth

Shape: Comport/Compotes
Contributor: Andy Eckroth

Shape: Comport/Compotes
Contributor: Andy Eckroth