STAR AND CARTOUCHE (AKA) unk by Unknown Maker (Unknown Location, Operated: Unknown), Unknown Date of Introduction
NOTE: Hawk Jackson 2021: named by Green Valley Auctions researchers and Danny Pinnell: In 2003 a exhaustive search concluded that this pattern was a unpublished and unnamed pattern, but a variant of another known pattern. They, himself and other researchers at Green Valley Auctions, designated the pattern as "Star and Cartouche". Only two forms known in this pattern, lamp and spill/spoon.
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Shape: Spooners/Spills
Contributor: Hawk Jackson 4-3/8H x 2-7/8D

Shape: Lamp & Lamp Shades
Contributor: Danny Pinnell

Shape: Spooners/Spills
Contributor: Hawk Jackson 4-3/8H x 2-7/8D