SCROLLED SPRAY (AKA) by Westmoreland Specialty Company (Grapeville-PA, Co. Operated: 1889-1924), Unknown Date of Introduction
NOTE: Ref: Westmoreland Sugar & Cream Sets by Linda Asmann
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Shape: Creamers
Contributor: Karin Kolsky - sold as a mustard container

Shape: Sugars
Contributor: Jeannie Symington - without lid

Shape: Assortments
Contributor: Carolyn Casoria Lewis - missing the lids - slightly sun-purpled? - sugar/creamer set

Shape: Sugars
Contributor: Richard Berger - sold as a mustard container

Shape: Sugars
Contributor: Thomas K Methven - sold as mustard container.

Shape: Creamers
Contributor: Sue Roque, Craig Schenning

Shape: Creamers
Contributor: Brenda B Joens

Shape: Sugars
Contributor: Linda V Asmann