Shape: Novelty Boat/Yacht/Canoe
Contributor: Heidi Crupe
Shape: Comport/Compotes
Contributor: Rick Ciralli
Shape: Cake Stands
Contributor: Linda Price - 9D x 4H
Shape: Assortments
Contributor: Don Jackson (sugar & cream)
Shape: Comport/Compotes
Contributor: Helena VonDrakenstein, Jim McClure, Roger Haworth, April Landrith Nyarango
Shape: Cake Stands
Contributor: Bill Banks, Roger Haworth
Shape: Comport/Compotes
Contributor: Kathy Conn Turner (1,2), Roger Haworth (3-5), Rick Ciralli
Shape: Comport/Compotes
Contributor: Roger Haworth (1-3), Tracy Noonan, Jeff Morrow
Shape: Pitcher
Contributor: Roger Haworth (1,2), Heidi Crupe (3,4)
Shape: Finger/Waste Bowl
Contributor: Roger Haworth, Martin Chaffee
Shape: Shakers (salt, pepper, sugar)
Contributor: Lanae Kilgoyne thought to be all colors made
Shape: Shakers (salt, pepper, sugar)
Contributor: Roger Haworth
Shape: Comport/Compotes
Contributor: Heidi Crupe
Shape: Comport/Compotes
Contributor: Roger Haworth (1,4), M Zac McCamey, Brenda Diffendal,
Shape: Shakers (salt, pepper, sugar)
Contributor: Lanae Kilcoyne, Ron Rayher
Shape: Salts, open
Contributor: Jeannie Symington - individual, amber
Shape: Celery Vases
Contributor: Jo Durrance, Robin Fisher Cisne, James Harding
Shape: Plates/Platter
Contributor: Susanna Connelly Holstein, Andy Eckroth - 13.75L x 8.75W
Shape: Plates/Platter
Contributor: Roger Haworth, Leah Hardin
Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge
Shape: Spooners/Spills
Contributor: Roger Haworth, Martin Chaffee, Don Jackson
Shape: Assortments
Contributor: Michele Richard - celery vases, canoes
Shape: Cruets/Catsups
Contributor: Roger Haworth (1,2), Robert Nathan Korn, Liz Roach
Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge
Shape: Tumblers
Contributor: Roger Haworth, Kathy Conn Turner, Mart Groesser
Shape: Salts, open
Contributor: Debi Raitz, Matthew Cox, Jeff Morrow
Shape: Salts, open
Contributor: Debi Raitz, Justin Grant
Shape: Celery Vases
Contributor: Michele Richard note: in silverplate holder
Shape: Novelty Boat/Yacht/Canoe
Contributor: Roger Haworth - 13L, 9.5L, 7.5L
Shape: Trays, Water/Ice Cream
Contributor: Gene Serbus, Arlene Terrell
Shape: Trays, Water/Ice Cream
Contributor: Lianne McNeil
Shape: Creamers
Contributor: Roger Haworth (1, 2, 4), Pe Hartman
Shape: Celery Trays
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge, Michele Richard, Jim Masterson, Michelle Richard
Shape: Pickle/olive/relish dish/trays
Contributor: Michele Richard, Jayne MacDonald
Shape: Assortments
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge
Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: courtesy Tom Bredehoft WVMAG
Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Carol Roop - Uncertain date on the catalog cut.
Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge
Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge
Shape: Table Sets
Contributor: Roger Haworth
Shape: Table Sets
Contributor: Carla Maria
Shape: Butter, Cheese, & Honey Dishes
Contributor: Roger Haworth, Chris Cope, Jeffrey Mcfadden, Carla Maria
Shape: Plates/Platter
Contributor: Jeffrey Mcfadden, Roger Haworth, Tracy Staudt
Shape: Syrups/Molasses Cans
Contributor: roger Haworth
Shape: Sugars
Contributor: Roger Haworth
Shape: Sugars
Contributor: Roger Haworth
Shape: Cups & Mugs
Contributor: Roger Haworth, Heidi Crupe
Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Roger Haworth
Shape: Celery Vases
Contributor: Michelle Richard, Larry Wilson
Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Kathy Conn Turner, Carol Roop - ice cream bowl
Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Roger Haworth
Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Roger Haworth
Shape: Finials
Contributor: Martin Chaffee - 6.4D