COINSPOT (AKA) dugan by Dugan Glass Company (Indiana-PA, Company Operated: 1903-1913), c1904 Introduced
• AKA: Coinspot with Nine-panel base; No. 22; No. 32; No. 74; No. 900
NOTE: Sugar shaker shown on pages 71 and 82 Harry Northwood -The Early Years 1881-1900, Measell et al.
NOTE: Sid Lethbridge 2022 - the 9-panel mould shaker appears in the c1907 Dugan catalogue as No. 22, and the molasses can as No 32.
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Shape: Pitcher
Contributor: Chris Hill Cooper

Shape: Syrups/Molasses Cans
Contributor: Jasper Lee Castle, Jane Greeberg Nyce

Shape: Shakers (salt, pepper, sugar)
Contributor: Nancy Dawson, Ed Perva, Diane Dittman Hanson, Jasper Lee Castle, Jason Blakeney (5-7), Jasper Lee Castle

Shape: Water/Lemonade Sets
Contributor: Nicci Parker Savarese

Shape: Pitcher
Contributor: Robert Nathan Korn

Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge

Shape: Pitcher
Contributor: Bill Banks

Shape: Pitcher
Contributor: Robert Nathan Korn