BEET (OMN) by Mt. Washington Glass Works (Boston/New Bedford-MA, Company Operated: 1837-1894), 1893 Introduced
• AKA: Fig
NOTE: Richard Ryan 2020: patent No 22,781 Sept 12, 1893
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Shape: Shakers (salt, pepper, sugar)
Contributor: Beth Moorhead, Sandra Winkles

Shape: Assortments
Contributor: Carole Linxwiler Bruce - made from the sugar shakers

Shape: Shakers (salt, pepper, sugar)
Contributor: Carole Linxwiler Bruce

Shape: Shakers (salt, pepper, sugar)
Contributor: Beth Moorhead, Valerie Vebber Carter, Carole Linxwiler Bruce, Jim McClure

Shape: Stationers' Wares/Office & Desk
Contributor: Jane Greenberg Nyce - Mucilage pot.

Shape: Novelty Figural
Contributor: Richard Ryan - Toothpick

Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Richard Ryan

Shape: Patents
Contributor: Richard Ryan