BOSTON (OMN) adam by Adams & Company (Pittsburgh-PA, Company Operated: 1861-1891), c1861-65 Introduced
NOTE: Sid Lethbridge 2021: This BOSTON (OMN) table set appears in the c1872 Adams & Co. catalogue. Also in the catalogue is a Boston goblet.
This is the earliest reported catalogue from Adams & Co. and has the hand written date of Recd Sept. 24 1872. It certainly is no earlier than 1871. The Rakow Research library has a microfiche copy but the images are very poor.
Catalogue cut courtesy Tom Bredehoft, MAGWV.
image 1 of 2

Shape: Creamers
Contributor: Gene Serbus

Shape: Spooners/Spills
Contributor: Gene Serbus

Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Courtesy Tom Bredehoft MAGWV