CAMBRIDGE GLASS CO. BUTTER MOLD (OMN) by Cambridge Glass Company (Cambridge-OH, Company Operated: 1902-1958), c1906
NOTE: Sid Lethbridge 2023: 1906 catalog extract, butter molds with cow or fleur-de-lis
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Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge 1906 catalog

Shape: Butter Pats/Individual Butters
Contributor: Constance L. Perkins says PATAPL d FOR on side cow imprint

Shape: Miscellaneous
Contributor: Constance L. Perkins says on side PATAPL d FOR cow imprint

Shape: Miscellaneous
Contributor: Constance L. Perkins butter mold says on side PATAPL d FOR cow imprint

Shape: Miscellaneous
Contributor: Constance L. Perkins butter mold says on side PATAPL d FOR cow imprint

Shape: Miscellaneous

Shape: Miscellaneous
Contributor: Darryl Cabral butter mold fleur de lis imprint