SINGLE FLOWER FRAMED (AKA) by Dugan Glass Company (Indiana-PA, Company Operated: 1903-1913), c1909 Introduced
• AKA: Laura
NOTE: An exterior pattern, found mostly on bowls and nappies in opalescent and carnival glass. Laura (aka) assigned by Rose Presznick.
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Shape: Novelty Worked
Contributor: Chip Honse

Shape: Novelty Worked
Contributor: Gene Serbus

Shape: Novelty Worked
Contributor: Gene Serbus

Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Hb Lammers (1,2), Bonnie Jean Seiwell, Gene Serbus

Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Hb Lammers - 8D x 2.5H